(+92-21) 111-111-224 info@aasml.com

Welcome to AASML

Al-Abbas Sugar Mills Limited, a progressive Company was incorporated in May 1991. The shares of the Company were listed on April 1992 at the Karachi Stock Exchange (Guarantee) Limited. One unit is located at Mirwah Gorchani with installed sugarcane crushing capacity of 8,500 Tons per day and processing capacity of molasses into quality industrial alcohol of 170,000 liters per day.

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Stock Price as on 11 Dec, 2024

Al Abbas Sugar Mills Ltd | AABS

Status of Company: Public Interest Company & Large Sized Company (PILSC)

Our Mission

  1. To be a profitable Company with an expert management team, motivated and productive employees and satisfied clients.
  2. To remain consistent with management philosophy to always observe the accepted standard of fair-conduct in dealing with employees, customers, suppliers and others.
  3. To keep shareholders informed and ensure timely dissemination of all material information to them and concerned regulators.
  4. To keep the Company always compliant with Corporate Governance rules and all other applicable laws, rules and regulations.
  5. To keep the workplace and working environment safe, clean and comfortable for all employees.
  6. To be a partner with the community in all efforts to preserve healthy enlivenment, ecological balance, heritage and overall quality of life.

Our Vision

The Company is committed to keep its focus on improving its core competencies and its clients’ needs thereby, keeping the Company as one of the leading sugar and ethanol manufacturing unit as well as the provider of bulk storage services in the country with a purpose of creating enhanced value for its stakeholders, its community and overall economy of Pakistan.

Our Achievement